Welcome to the new mdm.com. We are excited to launch our redesigned website, which we hope will make it easier for you to find the articles and data that you need to run your wholesale distribution company better.
Here is a quick tour of our new homepage:
Check out our new, more robust navigation menu at the top of mdm.com, where you will be able to find all of MDM’s most popular features, including company and sector news, research and video.
Looking for breaking news? We have moved our breaking news headlines from the top left of our website to the center. You’ll find it under the MDM Market Leaders graphic. You can find the complete list of breaking news here.
Blogs are now found in the top right of our website and are now called Insights. Click More Insights for the full list of blogs and latest posts on mdm.com.
The latest issue of MDM Premium is featured at the top center of the page, under our new slider, which features some of MDM’s best content. Subscribers can now log-in both at the top right of any page or under each article for immediate access to the complete site.
We’ve built up a great selection of videos over the past few years through our Executive Briefing and 7 Minutes With … Q&A monthly programs. You can now find those on our audio/video page. We will continue to add videos from our archives to the collection, so check back often. You can still watch the latest Executive Briefing program at www.mdm.com/executivebriefing.
The most recent video feature is also on every page. Simply click on the video to watch.
The Management Tip of the Week now has its own space on the website, featured on the homepage under the Breaking News headlines.
The next free webcast from MDM is available on the front page, toward the bottom.
Thank you for your business and support over the years!
If you have any questions or feedback, please call us at 888-742-5060 or email us.