A frequent poster on our LinkedIn Group – the MDM Independent Distributor Network – Brad Schwartz of Barnes Dennig & Co., Ltd. recently shared an article focused on the traits of a good employer.
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In a time when finding great talent is difficult, and retaining that talent could be even more difficult, the tips are worth considering.
Indeed, as Robert Devers, executive vice president and COO for A-Jax Co., Inc., said at the Specialty Tool and Fastener Distributor Association annual meeting this year, how employees feel about working for you should be top of mind right now. "This is a time when your company should be communicating like never before in an environment of trust, or you could be spending more time on exit interviews," he said in a speech at the conference.
The article was based off the 2011 Top 100 Best Companies to Work For list from Fortune Magazine.
Grainger, Chicago, IL, made the list at No. 100 for building a "seasoned, loyal work force by offering ample training, profit sharing and competitive benefits."
Among the recommendations from this article:
- Have a good (and creative) incentive program that rewards employees for a job well done.
- Reward great customer service.
- Don't tolerate jerks.
- Foster a creative and fun workplace.
- Offer a flexible work schedule, if possible. Allow workers to create schedules that work for them.
What do you believe makes a good workplace?