April 10 2018
Key Drivers for E-commerce Demand
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- Premium
Distributor e-commerce reached a remarkable tipping point in 2017: The percentage of distributors deriving more than a tenth of total revenues from e-commerce grew from 34 to 41 percent. In this article, we explore additional findings around the channels distributors use to drive e-commerce demand as well as their satisfaction with the returns on their e-commerce investments.
This article includes:
- Stronger Marketing Effectiveness
- Spending Rank by Marketing Vehicle
- Satisfaction with E-Commerce Investments
Subscribers should log in below to read this article.
Not a subscriber? Subscribe below or learn more. Subscribers also have access to the following related articles:
- MDM-Baird Distribution Survey: Storms Stunt Distributor Growth
- Distributors Up Search Marketing Efforts
- Amazon Business: The Burning E-Platform
- Premium
Its hard to imagine distributors without reps or drivers, but this issue explores both possibilities. Subscribers should log in below to read this article.
Not a subscriber? Subscribe below or learn more. This article is available for purchase as a special report.
- Premium
Truck drivers are a hot commodity in an industry suffering from an operator shortage. New technologies offered by companies like Uber Freight and Tesla may be just the thing to not only lure the next generation to the profession, but ultimately make driving a big rig close to autonomous.
This article includes:
- The Next Generation of Driver
- The Trucks of the Future
- Safety in Automation
Subscribers should log in below to read this article.
Not a subscriber? Subscribe below or learn more. Subscribers also have access to the following related articles:
- MDM-Baird Distribution Survey: Storms Stunt Distributor Growth
- Distributors Up Search Marketing Efforts
- Amazon Business: The Burning E-Platform
- Premium
The MDM Market Snapshot, based on data from MDM Analytics, includes market demand for Mechanic’s Hand Tools in the U.S., plus the top end users by 6-digit NAICS.
Subscribers should log-in below to view this article.
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MDM’s top news stories from March 26 – April 10, 2018

- Premium
This is the PDF of this issue of Modern Distribution Management.
Table of Contents:
- Key Drivers for E-commerce Demand
- Commentary: Will Automation Replace Sales Reps and Truck Drivers?
- This Truck Makes Wide Turns… All by Itself
- Market Snapshot: Market Demand for Mechanic’s Hand Tools
- MDM News Digest 4807
Are you a subscriber? Simply log-in to view this issue.
- Premium
Distributor e-commerce reached a remarkable tipping point in 2017: The percentage of distributors deriving more than a tenth of total revenues from e-commerce grew from 34 to 41 percent. In this article, we explore additional findings around the channels distributors use to drive e-commerce demand as well as their satisfaction with the returns on their e-commerce investments.
This article includes:
- Stronger Marketing Effectiveness
- Spending Rank by Marketing Vehicle
- Satisfaction with E-Commerce Investments
Subscribers should log in below to read this article.
Not a subscriber? Subscribe below or learn more. Subscribers also have access to the following related articles:
- MDM-Baird Distribution Survey: Storms Stunt Distributor Growth
- Distributors Up Search Marketing Efforts
- Amazon Business: The Burning E-Platform
- Premium
Its hard to imagine distributors without reps or drivers, but this issue explores both possibilities. Subscribers should log in below to read this article.
Not a subscriber? Subscribe below or learn more. This article is available for purchase as a special report.
- Premium
Truck drivers are a hot commodity in an industry suffering from an operator shortage. New technologies offered by companies like Uber Freight and Tesla may be just the thing to not only lure the next generation to the profession, but ultimately make driving a big rig close to autonomous.
This article includes:
- The Next Generation of Driver
- The Trucks of the Future
- Safety in Automation
Subscribers should log in below to read this article.
Not a subscriber? Subscribe below or learn more. Subscribers also have access to the following related articles:
- MDM-Baird Distribution Survey: Storms Stunt Distributor Growth
- Distributors Up Search Marketing Efforts
- Amazon Business: The Burning E-Platform
- Premium
The MDM Market Snapshot, based on data from MDM Analytics, includes market demand for Mechanic’s Hand Tools in the U.S., plus the top end users by 6-digit NAICS.
Subscribers should log-in below to view this article.
- Premium
MDM’s top news stories from March 26 – April 10, 2018

- Premium
This is the PDF of this issue of Modern Distribution Management.
Table of Contents:
- Key Drivers for E-commerce Demand
- Commentary: Will Automation Replace Sales Reps and Truck Drivers?
- This Truck Makes Wide Turns… All by Itself
- Market Snapshot: Market Demand for Mechanic’s Hand Tools
- MDM News Digest 4807
Are you a subscriber? Simply log-in to view this issue.