While distribution has been slow to embrace the game-changing technology that tech giants have pioneered and exploited, the industry can still take advantage of the AI infrastructure that exists.
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Some distributors treat purchasing and procurement roles as administrators tasked with buying what the company needs to function. But you can unlock profits by rethinking purchasing and treating your purchasing manager like a rock star.
Nelson Valderrama explores a fictional (but increasingly likely) 2030 wholesale distributorship that includes physical, technological and cultural changes in the making today.
Data is the new currency of business, and distribution leaders must guide their teams while there's no guarantee as to what will happen next, Nelson Valderrama explains.
By taking advantage of AI-driven recommendations, organizations are seeing a significant increase in the return on their sales and marketing activities.
But there are ways distribution financial planners can build a more adaptive financial-planning process. Here’s how to reset the planning process in your business.